24 Hour Dispatch:
☎ (206) 632-0151
VHF Radio: 19A
1059 N Northlake Way
Seattle, WA 98103
Email: fremonttugboat@gmail.com
Thomas Bulson, President, Captain
Thomas fished in Southeast and the Shumugin Islands of Alaska for several years as cook/deckhand and sometimes engineer before starting at Fremont Tugboat Co to refine the gentle art of tug-boating. In 1993 he got his Masters license and is now half owner of the company. He likes that there is never a dull moment for him between towing, engineering and the day to day operations of the business.
Erik Freeman, Vice President, Captain
Erik grew up on the water and getting to be part of the history that shaped the waterfront was just a part of everyday life. After working for Fremont Tugboat Co. and then towing logs for Smith Towing and later running crew boat for Arrow Launch Service, he returned to his roots in 1995 and became business partners with Tom. When he's not running the tugs, he's playing dispatcher and trying to keep up with the paper work.